The Black and Asian studies association


Click here for a document showing the publications of BASA members

Marika Sherwood’s new book After Abolition: Britain and the Slave Trade Since 1807 (published by I B Tauris) pulls together many hours of research on the profits from slavery that Britain continued to . The book asks many difficult questions and is packed with facts and references – OUT NOW.Dan Lyndon has written six books in the series Black History for Hachette Children’s books with the following titles: African Empires, Africa and the Slave Trade, Resistance and Abolition, Civil Rights, Arts and Music and Identity and Community. A book for young people about Walter Tull will be coming out in early 2011.

Caroline Bressey will soon be completing her research on Catherine Impey who lived in Street, Somerset and started an ‘anti-caste’ journal in March 1888. Caroline is trying to map (being a geographer) the people who were connected to this early form of anti-racism – an article on Catherine and Anti-Caste will appear in the January 2008 Newsletter and education posters will be available for schools or libraries to hire at the end of this year.

‘George Padmore and Kwame Nkrumah: a tentative outline of their relationship’ in Fitzroy Baptiste & Rupert Lewis (eds), George Padmore: Pan-African Revolutionary, Ian Randle Publications, 2009

‘An introduction to the Black population, racism and Black organisations in the UK in the early 20th century’ in Reappraising the Social Sciences and Humanities from African Perspectives, Sub Saharan Press, Accra Ghana, 2009

‘Miseducation and Racism’, Ethnicity and Race in a Changing World: A Review Journal, Feb. 2009 (also on

‘Misinformation: additional information on the MOD’s We Were There exhibition, Kent County Council, 2008

‘Africa’s history’ (comprising six articles,> (June 2008)

‘Black School Teachers in Britain in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries’, History of Education Researcher, No. 81, May 2008

So which of these ancestries do you claim when you say that you are ‘British’?

‘Britain, the trade in enslaved Africans and slavery,

‘The inaugural Marika Sherwood Lecture, 22 November 2007’,

‘The British illegal slave trade 1808 – 1830’, British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 31/2, 2008

Cliff Pereira’s research for the Royal Geographical Society on the Bombay Africans

Miranda Kaufmann’s article about Casper Van Senden