The BASA Newsletter, which first appeared in 1991, has been suspended, perhaps discontinued. It used to carry information on forthcoming events, research findings, articles on the many aspects of the history of peoples of African and Asian origin/descent in the UK, and book reviews. While we try to work out how we could continue its publication, articles/reviews will appear on this website, in the Newsletter section. If you would like to purchase back copies of the Newsletter, please contact BASA’s Secretary, Jonah Albert on
Contributions, January 2013: You can read the article by Dr Shihan de Silva Jayasuriya about Indias hidden African communities by clicking on this link
Newsletter 63 is now available for download by clicking here featuring articles about Medieval Travellers, The Chinese in Victorian Britain and a case study looking at the impact of the BBC and race issues as well as the regular book and conference reviews and historical figures and documents.
Newsletter 62 is now available for download by clicking here featuring articles about Una Marson by Imaobong Umoren , Carlos Trower, the African Blondin by Ron Howard and The Real Black Heathcliffs and Heathers by Audrey Dewjee as well as the regular book reviews and historical figures.
Newsletter 60 and 61 (July and November 2011)
The latest double edition of the BASA newsletter is the 60th Diamond anniversary edition featuring articles about the Brixton Uprising in 1981, Black British history in Australia, Runaways, Henry Sylvester Williams as well as all the regular book reviews, historical figures and much more. You can DOWNLOAD this edition by clicking here
Newsletter 57 (November 2010):

Newsletter 55 (November 2009):
Stephen Bourne, A Survey of Black Actresses; Julia Bush, News from Northamptonshire; Sean Creighton, Bexhill’s Maharajah by Sean Creighton; Mola Stair, Not Forgotten Soldiers of the Empire; Karen Garvey, The British Black Archives Partnership; Jeffrey Green, The African Progress Union of London 1918-1925 (Part 2); Historic figure: Dr Alan Goffe; Historical document: West Indian workers in Britain.

Newsletter 54 (July 2009): Jasmine Bennett, Beyond the Bicentennial Project Peterborough); Sean Creighton, The Black Indies: The North East and the Slavery Business; Jeffrey Green: The African Progress Union of London 1918-1925: A Black Pressure Group (Part 1); Mary Stevens, UCL Community Archives Research: Documenting and Sustaining neglected heritages; H. E. Ross, A Giant Step by Stepped on Toes. A review of the Museum in Docklands Exhibit: London, Sugar & Slavery; Historical document, ‘Charter for Coloured Peoples’ (Conference of League of Coloured Peoples, 21-23 July 1944); Historic figure: Dababhai Naoroji (1825-1917).

Newsletter 53 (March 2009): Cliff Pereira. Forgotten Asian contributions to Portuguese Geography Shelley Goffe-Caldeira. Remembering Sir Hugh Worrell Springer: Politician, Educator and Man of the People Stephen Bourne. Spreading the Word Historic figure. Samuel Jules Celestine Edwards 1857-1894 plus: historic document, parish records, reviews, published synopses and chapters £3 plus postage

Newsletter 52 (September 2008): Shelley Goffe-Caldeira. Report on the BASA Education Conference Stephen Bourne. Josie Woods: Tap-dancing star of Music Hall Gloria Gordon. Modern British Culture Uncovered: How Race Inequality is Maintained in Britain Caroline Bressey. Catherine Impey and the Anti-Caste Movement. Part one The Origins of Anti-Caste Marika Sherwood. The Struggle Continues Historic document. Claude McKay. The Yellow Peril and the Dockers Historic Figure. Thomas Latham plus: parish records, reviews, published synopses and chapters £3 plus postage

Newsletter 51 (May 2008) Stephen Bourne. Keep Smiling Through: Black Londoners on the Home Front 1939-1945 Martin Hoyles. Ira Aldridge Room at the Theatre Royal Newcastle Michael Herbert. The Working Class Movement Library Cliff Pereira. We Didn’t Talk About It! – A Review of 2007 Shelley Goffe-Caldeira. Scottish Freemasonry and the Williams & Walker Vaudeville Company Arthur Percival. Being British Historic Figure. William Miller 1890-1970 plus: parish records, reviews, published synopses and chapters £3 plus postage

Newsletter 50 (February 2008) Dan Lyndon. Henry Compton pupils visit the site of Walter Tull’s death Cliff Pereira. The Cultural Interactions Resulting from the Slave Trade and Slavery in the Arab-Islamic World Reverend Duncan Dormor. Beyond 1807: Telling a Different Story James McCarthy. Selim Aga: New Light on his Life and his Explorations in West Africa Hazel Waters. Remembering Ira Aldridge Hakim Adi. An Examination of the Wider Historical Context of the Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade Historic document. Royal Commission on Population 1949 Historic figure. Leslie Hutchinson (Hutch) 1900-1969 plus: parish records, reviews £2 plus postage

Newsletter 49 (November 2007) Bicentenary of the Abolition of the British Slave Trade Special Edition Allison Edwards. Teaching About the Trade in Enslaved Africans Cliff Pereira. The Shackles of Memory Interview in Nantes James Robertson. The Case of Joseph Knight David Spence. London, Sugar and Slavery: A New Gallery at the Museum in Docklands Lancaster Youth Group Poetry Lucy MacKeith. Address (at Exeter City Council event 25 March 2007) Arthur Torrington. The Equiano Exhibition Historic figure. Dido Elizabeth Belle Lindsay 1761-1804 £2 plus postage

Newsletter 48 (April 2007) Colin Douglas. Remembering Ben Bousquet Julia Bush. News Update: Northamptonshire Black History Association Shelley Goffe-Caldeira. Black Atlas A Celebration of the Lives of Tom Molineaux & Bill Richmond Caroline Bressey. Portraits, People and Abolition Creating a Trail for the National Portrait Gallery in 2007 The 2007 Bicentenary of the Abolition of the British Slave Trade A What’s On Guide Historic document: from West Africa, 22 July 1939: ‘Cooperation, not Anti-Whitism’ (report on London Conference) Historical figure: Ina Sarah Davies (nee Forbes Bonetta) c.1843-80) plus: news and activities, research news, parish records, reviews (books, articles, journals and film) £2 plus postage

Newsletter 47 (February 2007) Cliff Pereira. Black and Asian Studies Madeira research. Shelley Goffe-Caldeira. Black Scotland: An Interview with Billy Kay. Glenn Jordan. Race, Art and Cultural Democracy: Recent Work at Butetown History & Arts Centre in Cardiff. Linda Ali. Review For All Set Free: Launch of Memorial 2007 Project. Lindy Moore. George Staples Prowett Ferdinands; corrections. Kay Traile. Summary of PhD School History and Perspectives on the Past: A study of Students of African-Caribbean Descent and their Mothers’. Timothy Wesley. Poem: The Journey. Plus: Parish Records; Book Reviews Price £1.25 plus postage

Newsletter 46 (November 2006) Imitiaz Habib. Was Sir Peter Negro Black? Lindy Moore. George Staples Prowett Ferdinands (1865-1945). Stephen Bourne. Avril Coleridge-Taklor, daughter of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor. Alice Lock. Tameside Oral History Project. Historic Documents: From ‘Native Student on Africa’s Future, Birmingham Daily Post, 26 April 1905; & From Herbert Hill A Negro in Nottinghill, New Statesman, 9 May 1959. Peter Freshwater. Exhibition review: The New Scots. National Library of Scotland. Oku Ekenyon. Banknotes. News from Northamptonshire Black History Association. Historic Figure: Frederick Akbar Mahomed (1849-1884) Plus: BASA activities; Parish records and other sources; Research news & info; Updates; You should know about; Reviews. Price £1.25 plus postage

Newsletter 45 (April 2006) Cliff Pereira. International Conference on the Siddis of India and the African Disapora in Asia 9-20 January 2006, Goa, India. Bill Hart. Thoughts about the Black and Asian Londoners Project. Miranda Kaufman. ‘the speedy transportation of blackamoors’: Caspar Van Senden’s search for Africans and profit in Elizabeth England. Carolyn Abel. Northamptonshire Black History Association. Memorial 200 Committee statement. Historic Document. ‘The Negro in London’ by Eric Walrond, from The Black Man, March 1936. Historic figure: John La Rose (1927-2006) Plus: BASA activities; Updates; Parish & Other Records; You Should Know About; Research News & Queries; Reviews.

Newsletter 44 (January 2006). Special issue on Claudia Jones. Editorial. FBI/CIA. In Memory of Claudia Jones, by Bill Ash. Remembering Claudia, by Ranjana Sidhanta Ash. In memory of Claudia Jones, Poem by Peter Blackman. My friend Claudia, by Pearl Connor Mogosti. Claudia Jones (Trinidad 1915-London 1964 from Gertrude Elias, The ‘Suspect’ Generation (London Voices 1993). Letters I received after the publication of Claudia Jones: a life in exile. The Afro-Asian Caribbean Secretariat/Conference. Carnival: the first 1959. the fourth 1962. Claudia’s death. Claudia Jones an interview by Marika Sherwood. Research News. Book Reviews. Education. Journals. Claudia Jones (1916-1964), by Marika Sherwood (Historic figure).

Newsletter 43 (September 2005). AGM & Conference summary of papers 18 June 2005. Updates: Mary Seacole, Royal Navy, Early Hausa in Europe. Henry Box Brown. An Emperor in exile: Haile Selassie and the Foreign Office, 1936-1939, by Graham Macklin. An Emperor in exile: Part 2: Ethiopia and Black organisations in the UK 1935-36, by Marika Sherwood. From hieroglyphs into Arabic. Abbot Hadrian of Canterbury (d. 709), by Marika Sherwood (Historic figure). BASA Annual Reports. Parish and other records. Research sources, news, suggestions, etc. Forthcoming Events. You should know about. Book Reviews. For school use. Journals.

Newsletter 42 (April 2005). In memoriam: Pearl Connor-Mogotsi (1924-2005), by Stephen Bourne. A Reminiscence on Pastor Daniel Ekarte and the African Churches Mission, Part 3, by Thomas, J. Jones. How to grow Black History Month in your area, by Lucy MacKeith. Calypso in Britain down to 1962, by Ian Dieffenthaller. The ravages caused and the profits made by the East India Company, by Marika Sherwood and Eddie D’Sa. Negro Apprentices. From Proceedings of the Court of Aldermen City of London 14 September 1731 (Historic document). Blacks on display and performers: a few clues, by Marika Sherwood. Ayuba Suleiman Diallo, aka Job Ben Solomon, by Marika Sherwood (Historic figure). Editorial. BASA Activities. Updates and Feedback. Research sources, news, suggestions, etc. You should know about. Parish and other records. Book Reviews. Journals and articles.

Newsletter 41 (January 2005). The British government and the Windrush (Memo 15 June 1948) (Historic document). Schizophrenia and Socialists or a reading of recent events, by Ronald Moody (from c. 1955). Exotic plants and botanical gardens, by Eddie D’Sa. A Reminiscence on Pastor Daniel Ekarte and the African Churches Mission, Part 2, by Thomas, J. Jones. The Coloured Film Artists’ Association, by Marika Sherwood. ‘Creole’ what does it mean? by Sean Creighton. Arab scholars and hieroglyphs, by Okasha El Daly. Dr John Alcindor (1873-1924), by Marika Sherwood (Historic figure). Editorial, BASA Activities: Parish and other records. You should know about.’ Research News & Clues. Book Reviews. Journals

Newsletter 40 (September 2004). The Black Experience in Edwardian Britain, by Sean Creighton. Francis Williams, by Marika Sherwood. Wirral Black History Month 2003, by Garrick Prayogg. Cobbett’s Annual Register, August 20-27, 1803 extract. Royal Commission on Population 1949 extract (Historic Documents). A Reminiscence on Pastor Daniel Ekarte and the African Churches Mission, by Thomas, J. Jones. Updates: ‘Strangers in our Midst’ ( 38), George Rose ( 38), Negro Heads. Septimus Severus. Community Memories. Museum Oral History Project with BME communities (Newport) by Liz Braby. Black Peoples in Tudor England part 3, by Marika Sherwood. The Negro Servant – 1804 Tract narrative, by Marika Sherwood. Ira Aldridge (1807-1867), by Oku Ekpenyon, Jonah Albert, et al (Historic figure). Editorial. BASA Activities. Forthcoming Events. Parish etc records. Research news, clues & queries. Book Reviews. Update.

Newsletter 39 (April 2004). From Son of Slave to Sheriff of Monmouthshire, Nathaniel Wells of Piecefield and St Kitts, 1779-1852: the exhibition at Chepstow Museum, by Ann Ranisford. BASA Annual Conference and AGM, February 21, 2004. Summaries of talks. The Black British History Experience Conference, by Sean Creighton. And again: more on the Royal Navy, by Marika Sherwood. Burton’s Factotum Selima Aga, by James McCarthy. Black People’s in Tudor England part 2, by Marika Sherwood’. ‘British Negroes in England Rated as Aliens Why?’ From Marcus Garvey’s Negro World (30 January 1926) (Historic document). Oral history archive launched, by Caroline Abel (Northamptonshire black history project). Lionel Ngakane (1928-2003) (Historic figure). BASA Activities. Forthcoming events. Research News. Resources & Clues. Parish Records. Book Reviews. Brief Notices. Education.

Newsletter 38 (January 2004). ”Strangers in Our Midst’: reporting on immigrant experiences in the Manchester Evening Chronicle, 1958, by Jackie Ould. James Ramsey (1733-1789), by Sheila Crowson. Granville Sharp Letter Book at York Minister, Extracts from letter (Historic documents). 20th Century British Merchant Seamen’s Sea Service Records at the Public Record Office, Kew Part 3, by John Carr. Grantley Adams, by Sean Creighton. Black Peoples in Tudor England, by Marika Sherwood. Updates: Elder Dempster and West Africa 1891-1940. George Rose, VC. Ukawsaw Gronniosaw, by Elizabeth Williams (Historic figure). Editorial. BASA Activities. Research news, resources and queries, inc. negro heads on coats of arms. Parish and other records. Reviews: Museums and the written word. Brief Reviews & Notices. Price £1.25p plus postage.

Newsletter 37 (September 2003). Arab maths, by Jim Bolton. Looking for Caesar, by Anthony Adloph (re- Caesar Fitzgerald). Aspects of life in Battersea and Wandsworth in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1950s, by Sean Creighton. From the ‘Autobiography of Norman Washington Manley. (Historic document. Re-life in England and army). Windrush Foundation Awards 2003. John Toussaint L’Ouverture in London, by Peter Freshwater. Research news & resources, inc: historical geographies of women in Victorian and Edwardian London; Goan Heritage. 20th Century British Merchant Seamen’s Sea Service Records at the Public Record Office, Kew Part 2, by John Carr. Black History on the Web, by Sean Creighton. Black People in 17th and 18th Century Putney. In Memoriam: Elizabeth Welch (1904-2003), Len Garrison (d. 2003, aged 59). Sybil Phoenix and Nadia Cattouse two of the Windrush Award winners, by Arthur Torrington (Historic figures). BASA reports. Updates (medical officers). Parish and other records. Forthcoming Events. Book Reviews. Price £1.25p plus postage.

Newsletter 36 (April 2003). Editorial -extract from Yeats poem The Second Coming. What’s going on at the PRO? by Carol Dixon. Ronald Moody at the Tate, by Cynthia Moody. Imperial subjects: the poor and race in the nineteenth century, by John Marriott. Omai, by Cynthia Brown. Research News and Resources, inc. Linda’ Ali’s work on West Indian Nurses and the NHS 1950-68. and Negro heads on heraldic coats of arms. Social Inclusion, by Fiona Tait. Marcus Garvey, by Marika Sherwood. In memoriam: Herbert Aptheker. Dr James Jackson Brown (1882-1953), by Elizabeth Williams (Historic figure). BASA Activities. Parish and other records. Forthcoming Events. Reviews. Price £1.50p plus postage.

Newsletter 35 (January 2003). Black Britons where are the monuments? by John Siblon. An interview with George Kelly, sculptor, by Iosha McKenzie-Mavinga, Goldsmiths College. A Few Notes on the York Rangers (1803-5), by John Ellis. We also Served, by Stephen Bourne re-black Britons in Second World War. A British Account of Blackface Minstrel summary of MA dissertation by Joy Johnston. A message to the Black People of Britain by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah (168) (Historic document). Adelaide Hall 1901-93), by Stephen Bourne (Historic figure). Editorial. BASA Activities. Research News and Resources. Forthcoming events. Parish and other records. Book Reviews. Brief Reviews & Notices. Journals. Price £1.25p plus postage.

Newsletter 34 (September 2002). A Bit of Sheffield History (re-Ashanti Village exhibition 1902), by Tanya Schmoller. Karl Marx and Paul Lafarge, by Sean Creighton. White working-class women’s reactions to Asian settlement: 1945-1999, by Shirley Good. 20th Century British Merchant Seamen’s Sea Service Records at the Public Record Office, Kew Part 1, by John L. Carr. Extracts re-racism and self-help from 1964 & 1965 newspapers (Historic documents). William Miller, Plymouth City Councillor 1925-1970. Updates, inc: William Hall, ‘Coloured Medical Men’. Celestine Edwards (c. 1858-1894), by Elizabeth Williams. Editorial. Secretary’s report. Management Committee activities on behalf of BASA. Forthcoming events. You should know about. Research resources. Parish & other Records. Research News, inc: convict transportation/troops for Africa (late 1700s). Book Reviews. Price £1.50p plus postage.

Newsletter 33 (April 2002). BASA Conference: Black and Asian Pioneers of Stage, Screen and Sport, 18 May 2002, advert. William Hall, VC (1832-?) by Maureen Jowitt. Pablo Fanque: Black showman of the North, by John Turner. What is Freedom? Poem by Panna Begum (aged 13). Race, nation and gender in inter-war Britain, by Lucy Bland. Not Columbus. 1492: The year Columbus discovered America but the Muslims had discovered America six centuries before, by M. Hamidullah & A. H. Zuick. Updates: The Cumbrian slave trade. The Zulu Choir in Britain. Colour bar must go, by Brendan Bracken, Minister for Information, Sunday Express, 20 September 1942 (Historic document). Extract from Roy Porter’s London: A Social History (1996) (Historic document). We Black People of the World. Poem by Leticia Bondjanga, aged 12. Nathaniel Wells of Monmouthshire and St Kitts: from slave to sheriff, by John Evans. Editorial. Secretary’s report. BASA sub-committees and other BASA Activities. Research Resources. Parish records. You should know about. Forthcoming events. Book and other reviews. Price £1.50p plus postage.

Newsletter 32 (January 2002). Developing Work in the London Borough of Merton, by Sean Creighton. BASA Conference 27 October 2001, inc. synopses of papers Psyche. Bust by Francis Haywood 1758 (black athlete in employ of Duke of Northumberland). Sabu. Know as the ‘Sabu the Elephant Boy’ by John Turner. ‘What Moore and Wood think of the English’. Excerpts from The Black Man (May/June 1936) (Historic document). ‘Coloured Medical Men’, by Marika Sherwood. Constance Cummings-John (1918-2000) by Marika Sherwood (Historic figure). Freedom, poem by Shola Adejumo (aged 11). BASA activities. Forthcoming events. Research sources, news and information, inc: a boyhood at sea, the records of the Marine Society, by Roland Pietsch. Brief notices. Prizes. Conferences. Publications. Parish and other records. You Should know about. Book and gallery reviews. Price £1.25p plus postage.

Newsletter 31 (September 2001). Indian circus performers, by John Turner. British asylum seekers, by Marika Sherwood. An Exemplary Soldier: the Reverand George Rose, by John D Ellis. Research News, inc. hidden Anglo-Indian roots by Geraldine Charles. Beryl Gilroy (1925-2001), by Elizabeth Williams (Historic figure). Jamaica Arise. Excerpts from 1949, 1950 and 1959 issues (Historic document). Editorial. Secretary’s Report. Forthcoming events. Parish etc, records. You should know about. News. Book reviews. Abstracts and brief reviews. Price £1.25p plus postage.

Newsletter 30 (April 2001). East Indian Indentured Labour in British Colonies 1848 to 1917, by Linda Ali. A history of Barbodhan Muslims living in Bolton in the late 1950s & 1960s. Excerpts. By Ibrahim D. Kala. Howard Bloch an obituary. Research News, inc. Black Soldiers in British Army Regiments during early 19thC. Editorial. Secretary’s Report. News. Forthcoming events. You should know about. Parish and other records. Book/Museum reviews. Mary Seacole (part 2, by Elizabeth Williams (Historic figure). Price £1 plus postage.

Newsletter 29 (January 2001). The Cumbrian Slave Trade by Nicholas Newington-Irving. The Joint Council to promote understanding between White and coloured people in Great Britain. Annual Report for the year ending April 1933. Excerpts (Historic document). They call me Black: poem. Anon. Mary Seacole (1805-1884) by Elizabeth Williams (Historic figure). Editorial. Secretary’s report. Parish and other records. Research News (inc. Mapping Newspaper and Periodical Sources Relating to the Black and Asian Communities in Britain. The Black and Asian Diaspora in Stoke-on-Trent. You should know about. Advert for Pan African Conference exhibition display boards. Forthcoming events. Book reviews. For schools. Abstracts. Bits and pieces. Price £1 plus postage.

Newsletter 28 (September 2000). Conquest of Prejudice. Poem by Mary Lamb, 1809. Life of a Goan Seaman: Deogo (Diogo) Antonio Pereira Service L1840, by Clifford J Pereira. Where There’s A Will’. Abstract from Kathy Chater in History Today (Vol. 50(4) April 2000. Black women on British ships, by Jo Stanley. Research News: inc The Crew of the Gunboat Firebrand, 1881; The Universal Race Congress 1911; Rediscovering the Road to Punt. The use of the word ‘nigger’ in Britain, by Marika Sherwood. Walter Rodney (1942-1980) (historic figure). Editorial, BASA activities, Parish and other records, You should know about (institutions, Neocolonialism, Scapegoats, Shows, Young people. Publications received. websites, Television). Forthcoming events. New publications. Book reviews. Abstracts. Price £1 plus postage.

Newsletter 27 (April 2000). An Early Hausa Visitor to Europe: the recollections of Dorugu, 1855-56, Part 3, by Anthony Kirk-Greene. Black Circus Performers, by John Turner. Rasselas Morgan, by Angela Cutting. British involvement in the Portuguese Slave Trade after 1807, by David Sivier. Snippets of history: the Jubilee Singers, George Rose, Indians in Glasgow 1942. The Condition of India from The Reformer’s Year Book, 1902 (Historic document). A poem we liked, by 13 year old Somali refugee. Caesar Picton (c. 1755-1836) by Marika Sherwood (Historic figure). Editorial. Secretary’s report. Parish and other records. Research and other news. You should know about. Forthcoming events. Index to issues 23-27. Books reviews, CD-Roms, School texts, Brief notices & abstracts. Price £1 plus postage.
Newsletter 26 (January 2000). An Early Hausa Visitor to Europe: the recollections of Dorugu, 1855-56, Part 2, by Anthony Kirk-Greene. More on Blacks in the Royal Navy. Basava International Foundation From the Birmingham & Midland Freemen’s Aid Association’s speeches at public meeting 2 August 1865 (Historic document). Julius Kambarage Nyere (1922-1999) and Baruch Hirson (1921-1999), by Marika Sherwood (Historic figures). Editorial. Secretary’s Report. Snippets of history. News. You should know about. Parish and other records. Research resources. Forthcoming events. Research News & Queries, inc. Forgotten Geographies: the Lost Black Girls of Victorian London’, by Carline Bressey). Book reviews. Abstracts/Brief Reviews. School texts. New books
Newsletter No 25 (September 1999). An Early Hausa Visitor to Europe: the recollections of Dorugu, 1855-56, by Anthony Kirk-Greene. Excerpt from Suzanne J. Stark’s Female Tars. women aboard ship in the age of sail (re-a black woman known as William Brown in Royal Navy from 1804). From the Negro’s Friend. or Sheffield anti-slavery album (1826) re-blind Negro man named Maquana (Historic document). Carmen England (1909-1991), by Marika Sherwood (Historic figure). Editorial. Secretary’s Report. News. Snippets of history. Forthcoming events. Book reviews. Abstracts. You should know about. Research News. From parish registers. Book reviews. School texts
Newsletter 24 (April 1999). Report on the National Conference on Ethnic Minority Archives and the first meeting of the Black and Asian Archives Working Party, by Marika Sherwood. Windrush, by Cy Grant. From Africa to Cornwall: Joseph Antonia Emidy c1770-1835, slave and musician, by Richard McGrady. An Appeal to the British Public on the Opium Question (Historic document). Henry Sylvester Williams, by Marika Sherwood. Editorial. Secretary’s Report. Research News and Notes. Research resources. You should know about. Book Reviews. Books for children. Brief Notes. Forthcoming events
Newsletter 23 (January 1999). Blacks in the Royal Navy, by Marika Sherwood (re-Second World War). Ladipo Solanke (1884-1958), by Hakim Adi (Historic figure). Index Nos 1-22, 1991-1998. Correspondence between Lord Lugard and Marcus Garvey on Robeson’s films (1936) (Historic documents). The Newham Monitoring Project, by Marika Sherwood. Editorial. Secretary’s Report. Forthcoming Events. News. You should know about. Research News and notes. Book reviews. Abstracts.
Newsletter 22 (September 1998). Bill Strachan (1921-1998), by Marika Sherwood (Historic figure). Black people in Kent since 1600, by David Killingray. Extracts from the Papers and Proceedings of the British and Foreign Aborigines’ Protection Society, III, July 1839, p. 62-4 (re-problems facing Black people in Britain). Is Labour failing black children? by Marika Sherwood. Editorial. Activities. Announcements. Forthcoming events. Research News and Notes. You Should Know about. Reviews. Books. Abstracts.
Newsletter 21 (April 1998). The Arabs of Tyneside: a disappearing community, by Dick Lawless. Three Black professionals in the Manchester area, by Marika Sherwood (re- E.T. Nelson). A Celebration of the Life of Paul Robeson (programme outline Conference 16-18 April 1998). Paul Robeson, by Hakim Adi (Historic figure). Editorial. Activities. Forthcoming events. Research News and Notes. Reviews: books, video, CD, CD-Rom.
Newsletter 20 (January 1998). Liverpool’s Black Population During World War II, by Carlton Wilson. Ibrahim Sey unlawfully killed by police, by Ilona Aronovsky. Three Black professionals in the Manchester area 60 and more years ago, by Marika Sherwood (Dr Vincent St. Clair Lucas, Peter Milliard, E. T. Nelson). Arthur Wharton, by Phil Vasili. Account of Prince of Orange entrance into Exeter 1688 (Historic document). Editorial from The Gold Coast Times, 16 August 1930 (Historic document). From the Diary of Katherine Plymley (1791). Maharajah Duleep Singh, by Biant Singh Suwali (Historic figure). Editorial. Activities. Forthcoming events. Research News and Notes. Book Reviews. You should know about.
Newsletter 19 (October 1997). The Soobroy Story, by Sue Hubbard. Africanus: a 19th century freeholder of Nottingham, by Helen Grey. History in Kenyan Schools, by Steve Braidwood. Account of slave ship journey 16 December 1800 (Historic document). Julius Soubise, by Marika Sherwood( Historic figure). Editorial. BASA Activities. Research News and Notes. Please help. Forthcoming events. You should know about. Book reviews. School Texts. Abstracts. Help please (Paul Robeson commemoration)
Newsletter (18 April 1997). The ASACACHIB Conference in Leeds October 1886, by Susan Okokon. Mounting the Ignatius Sancho exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. Review of the Ignatius Sancho exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, London, by Marika Sherwood. At school in London, by Andrew McIntosh. 1919 riots. Letter The Times (14/6/1919) (Historic document). Deaths of Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe (1904-1996), Cheddi Jagan (1918-1997) and Michael Manley(1924-1997) (Historic figures). Editorial. ASACACHIB meeting the future of the Association? ASACACHIB Activities. Research News. Forthcoming events. You should know about. Book reviews. Abstracts
Newsletter 17 (January 1997). Chartered and Unchartered Waters: Sylheti Lascars who served Britain and stayed to forge a community, by Michael Ali. Asian women Embroidery Skills and Traditional Values, by Eleanor Veigas. Beware of Strangers Bearing ‘Gifts’: the culture of EEC funding, by Susan Okokon. The Transatlantic Slavery Exhibition at the Mersyside Maritime Museum, by David Roussel-Milner. Mass Observation interviews and report 1942 and 1944 (Historic documents). Esther Bruce (1912-1994), by Marika Sherwood (Historic figure). Editorial. ASACACHIB Activities. Forthcoming events. research News. You should know about. Book reviews. School texts. Abstracts.
Newsletter 16 (April 1996). ‘Together’ at the Imperial War Museum. The Good Black Doctor: Christopher J. Davis 1840-1870, by John D. Hargreaves. Selected speeches of Dr Cheddi Jagan, 1992-1994. Review article by Billy Strachan. British Cabinet and Black American servicemen. (Historic documents). Amy Ashwood Garvey (1897-1968) (Historic figure). Editorial. ASACACHIB Activities. Forthcoming events. You should know about. Book reviews. Reviews – School texts and books for children.
Newsletter 15 (April 1996). Sharing information about the Black presence, by Sean Creighton. A Direct Arab-Jew Settlement? by Jawaharal Nehru (from Empire, November 1938). ‘Colour bar must go’, Brendan Bracken, Minister of Information (Sunday Express, 20 September 1942) (Historic document). Robert Broadhurst (1864-1948) by Marika Sherwood (Historic figure). Editorial. ASACACHIB Activities. Forthcoming events. You should know about. Book reviews. Reviews. School texts. Abstracts.
Newsletter 14 (January 1996). Black People in Canning Town and Custom House between the Wars, by Howard Bloch. Black and White TV, by Stephen Bourne. Esther Bruce (1912-1994), by Stephen Bourne (Historic figure). Extract from speech by J. E. Casely Hayford 1920 (Historic document). Editorial. ASACACHIB Activities. Forthcoming events. Conferences. You should know about. Recent publications. Book reviews
Newsletter 13 (September 1995). A Matter of Debate, by Leon Hall (re-what are Black people born in this country to call themselves?). Black and Welsh, by Olwen Watkins. Unsung Heroes of WWII, by Marika Sherwood. Editorial. ASACACHIB Activities. ICS Seminars. Forthcoming events. Book reviews.
Newsletter 12 (April 1995). What are Black people born in this country to call themselves? A letter from Ray Serrano to Marika. Letters from War to Colonial Office 1941 and 1943 re- encouraging West Indians to Britain for work and ATS (Historic document). Noor Inayat Khan, by Rozina Visram (Historic figure). Editorial. ASACACHIB Activities. ICS Seminars. Forthcoming events. Book review. Recent publications. Other publications.
Newsletter 11 (January 1995). Walter Daniel Tull, by Phil Vasili. Black People in pre-Twentieth Century Cumbria, by Linda Hodgson. Squadron Leader P. Ulric Cross, Flying Officer Adesonaie K. Hyde & Squadron Leader Mehar Singh (Historical figures of the World War II). Labour opposition to introduction of ‘coloured’ labour in First World War. (Historic document). Editorial. ASACACHIB Activities. ICS Seminars. You should know about. Recent publications. Other publications. Abstracts.
Newsletter 10 (September 1994). More on how racist beliefs spread in Britain, by Marika Sherwood. Debate, West Ham Secondary School Debating and Literary Society, February 1932 (Historic document). Arjan Baharsing Advani (1915-1980) (Historic Figure). Editorial. ASACACHIB Activities. You should know about. Forthcoming events. Recent publications. Other publications.
Newsletter 9 (April 1994). The Nigerian Progress Union, by Hakim Adi. John Archer, by Sean Creighton (Historic Figure). Editorial. ASACACHIB Activities. ICS Seminars. Things you should know about. Forthcoming events. ASACABHIB Conference. Recent publications. Other publications of interest.
Newsletter 8 (January 1994). Reflections on the ASACACHIB Conference: Black People in Britain Local Histories, by Hakim Adi. How racist beliefs spread in Britain, by Marika Sherwood. George Bridgtower (1779-1860,) by Marika Sherwood (Historic figure). Editorial. ASACACHIB Activities. Forthcoming events. Recent publications. You should know about.
Newsletter 7 (September 1993). Black People in National Curriculum History, by Sharon Burton. ‘From the wild to Westminster’: the Zulu Choir in Britain 1892-1893, by Raymond van Deimel & Marika Sherwood. Peter Blackman (1909-1993), by Marika Sherwood (Historic figure). Editorial. ASACACHIB Activities. Forthcoming events. You should know about. Recent publications. Other publications.
Newsletter 6 (April 1993). The Culworth Project. William Cuffay (1788-1870), by Marika Sherwood (Historic figure). Editorial. ASACACHIB Activities. Local History Societies. ICS Seminar. Recent publications. Other publications. Conference on Ethnic Seafarers.
Newsletter 5 (January 1993). Mahatma Gandhi in East London, by Howard Bloch. Duse Mohamed Ali (1866-1945), by Marika Sherwood (Historic Figure). Editorial. ASACACHIB Activities. ICS Seminar on Black Women Activists. Research requests. Forthcoming events. Videos & television. Recent publications.
Newsletter 4 (September 1992). The International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers, by Maria von Enckevort. Kath Lockr (1928-1992), by Lindiwe Tsele (Historic figure). Editorial. ASACACHIB Activities. Obituaries. Forthcoming events. Recent publications. Older publications
Newsletter 3 (May 1992). James Doe Royal and the shipping slump 1921-22, by Jeffrey Green. ‘Blacks’ in London’s docklands, by Marika Sherwood. Olaudah Equiano, by Joan Grant (Historic figure). Editorial. Forthcoming events. Summaries of ICS Seminars, Dec ’91-Mar ’92. Recent publications. Older publications still available.
Newsletter 2 (December 1991). The Coloured Workers Association, by Marika Sherwood. Bandele Omoniyi – Student Politician by Hakim Adi. Ottobah Cugoano, Black Abolitionist, by Marika Sherwood (Historic figure). Editorial. Summaries of ICS Seminars, Oct-Nov 1991. Forthcoming events. Recent publications. Research interests and requests.
Newsletter 1 (September 1991). Editorial. Summaries of ICS Seminars, Feb-June 1991. Members’ research interests. Forthcoming events. Recent publications and older publications still in print research requests: Local History Groups.
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Marika Sherwood has compiled an index of the BASA newsletters from 1991 to 2007
You can download some samples of articles published in the BASA newsletters over the last 17 years:
International Conference on the Siddis of India and the African Diaspora in Asia by Cliff Pereira
A poem in memory of Claudia Jones by Peter Blackman
Community Memories by Liz Braby A Museum Oral History Project with BME communities
And some of the historical figures that have been written about by BASA members:
Ira Aldridge, by Oku Ekpenyon and Jonah Albert, the ‘Negro Tragedian’ famed for playing Shakespearean roles including Othello and Hamlet in Victorian Britain.
Ukawsaw Gronniosaw, by Elizabeth Williams the slave who bought his freedom and published his autobiography ‘The Narrative of James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw an African Prince’ in about 1770.